MOUNT SINAI: On Monday, June 3, 2019, Dr. Maida Galvez and Michael Ejiogu attended the 11th Staten Island Asthma Coalition Meeting to present on the NYS Children’s Environmental Health Centers! The meeting was hosted by the Staten Island Borough President’s Director of Health and Wellness, Dr. Ginny Mantello along with the American Lung Association. The meeting was attended by over 30 health care professionals across NYC (ALA, RUMC, SIUH, MRNY, VNA, NYCDOHMH, Bridgepoint Health, etc.). The objective of the meeting was to discuss ways to build capacity of providers to implement asthma care. Key highlights of the meeting included an overview of the Staten Island Asthma Quality Improvement, NYS Asthma Control Program, and Project BREATHE (presented by Claudia Guglielmo – Asthma Coalition of Brooklyn, Queens and Staten Island, Michelle Cavanagh – Bureau of Community Chronic Disease Prevention, NYSDOH, and Amanda Norton – NYSDOH).
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