Jenna Wisch is a BS, post-baccalaureate student at NYU and team member of the SDH screening program
“I had a deeply rewarding and educational experience with PEHSU and NYSCHECK. Given my interest in pediatrics and environmental health, I have greatly enjoyed this role as it has given me hands-on exposure to both. As a screener, I evaluate patients each week on a variety of social and environmental concerns and offer resources and referrals to community-based resources and social work. Beyond my screening experiences, I have also had the opportunity to assist in editing abstracts and even created my own poster presentation on the work we are doing. As an undergraduate student this marked my first poster presentation, and I was very grateful for the tremendous support and guidance I received from the team at Mount Sinai, as well as the opportunity to present on such an important and meaningful topic. The team is extremely welcoming, open-minded, and deeply dedicated to improving children’s health. I am grateful for this opportunity and continue to learn so much every week!”